366 Hit list - May

June 01, 2016 Sarah 4 Comments

I'm so in love with Angela's view of the world! It reminds me so much of Martine by Marcel Marlier, but with an adorable boy. So be sure to continue this 366 hit list full of gems.

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4 reacties:

Francesca Russell said...

LOVE the one of your husband, Sarah! Was it shot through a pipe?

Alyssa said...

Sarah. So gorgeous as usual! I have light envy! I love the photo of your man, it's so great :)

Sarah said...

Thanks Francesca! You are right, it was shot trough a piece of pipe using this tutorial http://petapixel.com/2016/05/13/get-ring-fire-lens-flare-photos/

Angela said...

Ha! I even googled pipe photography after some other photographer mentioned her husband having to buy some for her at a home improvement store. Now I know why!!! And of course you made it amazing!
Amazing month - I adore the first image. That bright red strawberry capture midair is fantastic!!!! And thank you for the kind words. xx